Shape the future of Sioux Falls Aquatics

Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation replacing aging pools in priority locations with community input. We need your feedback to improve the quality of life and bring better aquatic and recreational experiences to the City. 

Click on the project below to learn more and share your ideas:


Kuehn Park 


Frank Olson Park 


 McKennan Park
Wading Pool


Your input is important to us, and we appreciate your help in shaping the future of Sioux Falls Aquatics and Recreation! 

View the Aquatics Bond Recommendation

Project Overview:

  • Overcrowding is the main reason people don't use current facilities.
  • Indoor recreation centers with aquatic facilities are preferred over outdoor aquatic centers at Kuehn and Frank Olson
  • The community desires both recreation and fitness water.
  • Shade and swimming lessons are important considerations for future facilities.

Project Milestones

  1. 2020 - Parks and Recreation System Plan: identified goals to replace the aging pools at Frank Olson Park, Kuehn Park, and McKennan Park.
  2. 2022 - September-December: Community Engagement: Gather public input to hear what improvements the public wanted to see at these parks with the replacement of the pools and renovation of the parks surrounding them.
  3. 2022 December: Presented these main findings to City Council
  4. 2023 April: City issues RFP for Professional Design Services RFP
  5. 2023 June: City awards Stockwell Engineers and Williams Architects Inc with contracts
  6. 2023 July-September: Consultation and planning with firms
  7. 2023 November - April 2024: Public input on Kuehn and Frank Olson
  8. 2024 April: Final plans to present to City Council
  9. 2024 May: City Council votes on bond