Official Code of Ordinances Access the current City of Sioux Falls Code of Ordinances for comprehensive information on rules and regulations ratified by the City Council. (Hosted by American Legal Publishing.)
Construction Erosion Control Frequently Asked Questions about construction erosion control in Sioux Falls.
Floodplain Ordinance Discover the latest floodplain ordinance updates by the City of Sioux Falls, aimed at enhancing protection for properties, reducing flood insurance costs, and ensuring compliance with current standards
Homeowner's Construction Guides & Reference The City of Sioux Falls provides homeowners with a variety of downloadable construction guides reference when undertaking home improvement projects.
Pest Elimination of the Property Maintenance Code The Property Maintenance Code of the City of Sioux Falls requires structures to be kept free from pest infestation, with responsibilities for owners and occupants in dealing with insect and rodent issues.
Shape Places - Zoning Ordinance The Shape Places Ordinance determines the types of land uses allowed throughout the City.
State Asbestos Requirements What you should know when asbestos is involved in your demolition or renovation of commercial or public buildings in Sioux Falls.