10th Street/Pettigrew Neighborhood Street and Utility Improvements

  • Project valueEstimate: $3,000,000
  • Contractor nameTBD
  • Completion DateNovember 15, 2024

Project Update 4/2/2024

  • Bids will be opened for this project in mid-April.
  • We anticipate a project start date of mid-to-late May.
  • A public open house will be held for the neighborhood after bids are opened and before construction begins to provide more information about what to expect during construction.

Commuter Route Information:

  • Phase 1 – 10th Street will be closed from West Avenue to Euclid Avenue. Detour will be 9th Street or 12th Street.  Pedestrian access will always be available on one side of the street.
  • Phase 2 – 10th Street will be closed from Euclid Avenue to Menlo Avenue.  Detour will be 9th Street or 12th Street.  Pedestrian access will always be available on one side of the street.
  • Phase 3 – Covell Avenue will be closed from 11th Street to 10th Street.  Detour will be either Lake Avenue or Euclid Avenue.  Pedestrian access will always be available on one side of the street.
  • Phase 4 – Menlo Avenue wil be closed from 10th Street to 9th Street.  Detour will be either Walts Avenue or Grange Avenue. Pedestrian access will always be available on one side of the street.

Project Milestones

Phase 1: 10th Street – West Ave to Euclid Ave

  1. Removals
  2. Sanitary sewer
  3. Water main
  4. Concrete work
  5. Lighting
  6. Street paving
  7. Traffic Striping
  8. Restoration

Phase 2: 10th Street – Euclid Ave to Menlo Ave

  1. Removals
  2. Sanitary sewer
  3. Water main
  4. Concrete work
  5. Lighting
  6. Street paving
  7. Traffic Striping
  8. Restoration

Phase 3: Covell Ave – 11th to 10th Street

  1. Removals
  2. Sanitary sewer
  3. Water main
  4. Concrete work
  5. Lighting
  6. Street paving
  7. Restoration

Phase 4: Menlo Ave – 10th to 9th Street

  1. Removals
  2. Water main
  3. Concrete work
  4. Lighting
  5. Street paving
  6. Restoration

10th Street Phases