Current Bid Opportunities

The City of Sioux Falls utilizes Bonfire as its electronic procurement and contracting bid submittal platform for supplies, services, and construction. For a listing of current procurement opportunities, to register as a Supplier/Contractor, or to submit bids electronically, please visit Bonfire. If you have questions regarding the bidding process with Bonfire, please visit our FAQs section.

Go To Current Bid Opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions and Support

I would like to bid on City supplies, materials or services bids. What is my first step?

The first step to submitting a bid is to register your business on Bonfire. Once you register you will be able to sign up for notifications of Bids, respond to a Bid and see Bid Results for previous bids.

What is Bonfire?

Bonfire is our solicitation portal; It is where the City of Sioux Falls posts bids and solicitations opportunities.

How do I register to receive notices of bidding opportunities in Bonfire?

You will be able to select commodity codes for your business that will help you identify opportunities you may be interested in. Once selected, you will receive notifications of related bids.

How do I find out who was awarded a project after a solicitation has closed?

The Bid tab will be posted on the solicitation in Bonfire.

What happened to ePlans?

The City of Sioux Falls has partnered with Bonfire Interactive to create a new electronic bidding portal that will allow you to submit bids and view all project documents, including plans and specifications.

These changes will be effective for all bids advertised on or after: December 29, 2023. Paper bids will no longer be accepted after this date.

Users are requested to visit the City of Sioux Falls procurement website on Bonfire, then follow the link to the Bonfire vendor registration page to register your company. Registration is easy and free.  If you encounter any difficulties registering, there is a link to Bonfire Support on the registration page.

Bonfire allows you to select UNSPSC codes associated with your type of business or organization to potentially be notified of bids in the region. This selection is not required to bid for City of Sioux Falls projects. Some suggestions lie under UNSPSC 22, 30, 72.

The City of Sioux Falls is excited about the changes we are making to streamline our bid process and we look forward to continuing our good relationship with you and appreciate your interest.

Should you have any questions, please contact the City of Sioux Falls Finance Office at 605-367-8013.  If you are interested in scheduling an informational meeting you can contact Tiffany Lonning at 605-367-8704 or Thank you for your interest in doing business with the City of Sioux Falls! 


Please be advised that ePlans will be sunsetting on December 21, 2023 following the bid opening. You can refer to the eProcurement portal, Bonfire, information on this page.

The Engineering Division no longer distributes hard copies of plans and specifications. Plans and specifications are now distributed electronically in PDF format on our website for all engineering-based projects at the above link. To access the plans and specifications, you will need to submit basic company information and create an account with the City of Sioux Falls. City staff will review, confirm the submitted information if necessary. Upon approval, you will be able to begin downloading the plans and specifications. Some key features and highlights of the system are:

  • All plan holders will be displayed on the website. When a set of plans is downloaded, you will be prompted to specify the reason for the download. This information will be listed on the website. For example, you can be listed as a prime bidder, quoting subcontractor, etc. This is done as a courtesy to the contracting community. Please note that whatever reason is given for the download, it does not prevent the contractor from bidding as a prime on the project.

  • Addendums will be posted to the website. An email will be sent to all electronic plan holders when an addendum is issued as a courtesy, but the contractor is still required to check the website in case the email does not go through.

  • A company may create more than one account with the City as long as there are separate email addresses on each account. Multiple accounts cannot use the same email address.

If you need any assistance in creating an account or have any other questions, you may contact the City Engineer’s Office at 605-367-8601.

Go to ePlans