Rules & Policies

Passenger Rules

While aboard any Sioux Area Metro vehicle, no passenger shall do any of the following:

  • Smoke or possess any lighted or smoldering type of smoking materials including matches and lighters. This rule also applies in all bus stop shelters;
  • Eat or drink. Any beverages carried on board must be in a covered container (Fast food restaurant cups and disposable coffee cups are not allowed);
  • Consume alcohol, be intoxicated, and/or reek of alcohol;
  • Possess any firearm or other type of weapon;
  • Intentionally interfere with the operator’s safe operation of the bus;
  • Throw or deposit trash of any kind in a bus;
  • Intentionally damage or deface any bus, shelter, or other Sioux Area Metro property;
  • Possess any high explosive, corrosive acid, or flammable liquid, including car and motorcycle batteries;
  • Create any type of disturbance that would cause an adverse affect on the ability of Sioux Area Metro to provide an acceptable level of service to the public, including (but not limited to): unsafe riding practices, using profane or indecent language, yelling, lying down or putting your feet on the seats, and being in neglect of personal hygiene. Personal audio devices must utilize a headset;
  • At the downtown Bus Stop, please observe and obey the posted rules. Smoking is allowed only outdoors and not within the yellow marked areas near the doors to buses. Loitering is not allowed. All other passenger rules apply at the Bus Stop.
  • Ride excessively. Passengers must have a destination on the route they are traveling.

Refund Policy

Sioux Area Metro does not provide full or partial refund for unused fare media. SAM assumes no responsibility for lost tickets or passes.

In the event that an individual is suspended from utilizing SAM services either for cause or through a Criminal Trespass Notice, refunds will not be provided.

Bicycle Policies

Sioux Falls has an extensive recreation trail system and our transit system can help bicyclists travel across town.

  • Bike racks are mounted on the front of the bus.
  • All fixed-route buses have a rack installed.
  • The instructions are simple and printed right on the rack.
  • Each rack can hold two bicycles.
  • Each rack allows for most bicycle wheel and frame sizes.
  • Bikes will not touch each other or the bus while placed in the rack.
  • There is no extra charge for your bicycle.

Grocery Policies

  • A rider may carry on as many bags of groceries as they can carry in one trip.
  • Riders are responsible for carrying on their own groceries; bus drivers will not assist them.
  • Groceries/carts must not block or restrict the width of the aisle.
  • Groceries/carts must be secured to prevent safety issues.
  • If the bus is full, groceries may not be stored on a seat.
  • Groceries/carts are not allowed to be stored in a wheel well or door step area.
  • Groceries/carts may be stored in the area designated for wheelchairs but it must be moved if the area is needed for a rider in a wheelchair.
  • The number of bags a rider in a wheelchair can carry on is limited to the number of bags that can be safely attached to their wheelchair.
  • The bus driver is responsible for enforcing this policy and may deny boarding if the policy is violated.

Stroller Policies

  • Guardians are responsible for boarding and deboarding the stroller.
  • Strollers must not block or restrict the width of the aisle.
  • Parents may place child and stroller in the area designated for wheelchairs but it must be vacated if it is needed for a rider in a wheelchair.
  • A rider with a stroller may request the use of the lift or ramp if needed.
  • If the bus is crowded, a child must be placed on the guardian’s lap and the stroller folded up.
  • The bus driver is responsible for enforcing this policy and may deny boarding if the policy is violated.

ADA Rights

Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services

Title II of the ADA prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in all programs, activities, and services of public entities. It applies to all state and local governments, their departments and agencies, and any other instrumentalities or special purpose districts of state or local governments. It clarifies the requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, for public transportation systems that receive federal financial assistance, and extends coverage to all public entities that provide public transportation, whether or not they receive federal financial assistance. It establishes detailed standards for the operation of public transit systems, including commuter and intercity rail (e.g., AMTRAK).

If you feel you have been discriminated against in transit services and would like to file a formal complaint, please download and review the documents on the right. To process your complaint, a completed complaint form will be required.

You may send it to:

SAM General Manager
500 East Sixth Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Reasonable Modification

In accordance with guidelines provided by The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it is SAM’s policy to provide reasonable service modifications when requested to do so by individuals with disabilities who, without such modification, would not be able to fully use SAM services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose. Requests for modifications are considered on a case-by-case basis and can be denied for one or more of the following reasons:

• Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of SAM’s service, programs, or activities;
• Granting the request could create a direct threat to the health or safety of others;
• Granting the request is not necessary in order for the requesting individual to access SAM’s service; or
• Granting the request would create an undue financial or administrative burden for SAM.

Requests for Fixed Route Service Modifications 
may be sent to:

SAM Operations Manager 
500 East 6th Street 
Sioux Falls, SD 57103 
Phone: (605) 231-6903
Requests for Paratransit Service Modifications 
may be sent to:

SAM Paratransit Manager 
500 East 6th Street 
Sioux Falls, SD 57103 
Phone: (605) 978-6911 

Civil Rights

Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act requires that “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Title VI Non-Descrimination Policy Statement

Title VI Complaint Form

Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964

If you feel you have been discriminated against in transit services and would like to file a formal complaint, please download and review the documentsabove. To process your complaint, a completed complaint form will be required.

You may send it to:

Transit Program Coordinator
Title VI Compliance Officer, City of Sioux Falls
231 North Dakota Avenue
P.O. Box 7402
Sioux Falls, SD 57117-7402
(605) 367-8689