Independence Day Celebration FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where are the Independence Day Celebration Events?

8:00 A.M. - Walk/Run - Fawick Park

10:00 A.M. - Parade - Phillips Ave.

11:00 A.M - Picnic and Entertainment - Levitt Shell

What is the new parade route?

The new parade route will be northbound on Phillips Avenue from 13th Street to 6th Street.

Is there a fee?

Independence Day Celebration activities are FREE!

Where do I park?

  • There is no parking along the parade route on Phillips Avenue between 14th Street to 5th Street Drive during the road closures.  We suggest that you park your car at one of the downtown parking ramps and view the parade from a downtown location.
  • Reminder to come early as road closures will begin along the parade route approximately 9:30 a.m. 

What if I want to ride my bike?

We highly recommend it!  A bike rack is located just north of 6th Street along Phillips Avenue

Are the Independence Day Celebration activities accessible to those with disabilities?

The events are accessible including wheelchair accessible port-a-pots and reserved ADA parking. “Seeing eye” and “support” dogs are welcome.

How to best enjoy the picnic?

If you bring a stroller or wagon, we have a designated serving line. Watch for signs near the serving line.

Where is the new picnic location?

The new picnic location will be at the Levitt Shell for the picnic. The serving lines will be in the parking lot, on the south side of the Levitt Shell.

What time is the picnic and what is on the menu?

The picnic serving lines will open at 11 a.m. for the first 3,000 attendees.
All-American Meal: All-Beef Hotdog, chips and a water. The meal is free.

What is the new walk/run route and location?

  • The new location for the walk/run will be Fawick Park.
  • It will be an out and back route with a turn-around point, similar to past years.

How do I register for the 5K Fun Run/Walk?

Fun Run/Walk: More information


We ask that you refrain from riding a bike during the fun run/walk.  This event draws several hundred people and can make it difficult to navigate the route on a bike.  No pets please.

Can I bring my pet to the Fourth of July activities?

No. The Independence Day Celebration is a hot and crowded place; and is not a place for pets. 

Will the Stockyards Ag Experience be open on July 4?

The Stockyards Ag Experience at Falls Park will be open 12 to 4 p.m. on July 4.

Will the Overlook Café at Falls Park be open on July 4?

The Overlook Café at Falls Park will be open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on July 4.

Will the Visitor Information Center at Falls Park be open on July 4?

The Visitor Information Center at Falls Park will be open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on July 4.

Will the pools be open on July 4?

Outdoor Pools and Aquatic Centers will be open 1 to 5 p.m. on July 4.
Pioneer Spray Park and Hayward Spray Park will be open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on July 4.
The Midco® Aquatic Center will be closed on July 4.