Garbage Guidelines

Whether you’re new to town or a lifelong resident, here are a few reminders of how garbage collection works. 

Where can I store my garbage cans?

Collection Rules

  • Every home, apartment building, and business in The City must use a licensed garbage company to collect garbage and recycling.
  • Garbage must be picked up at least once a week, and recycling at least twice a month. Find out more information on licensed waste haulers. 
Preparing Garbage:
  • Put garbage in a bag and tie it securely.
  • View the City's full waste disposal guide. 
Preparing Recycling:
  • Make sure to keep recyclables separate from garbage, and don't put recyclables in the regular trash. Recycling is required by city ordinance.
  • Materials included loose in the recycling bin: paper and cardboard (shredded paper accepted in clear plastic bags only); metal cans, glass jars & bottles, and plastic bottles, tubs and jugs. Do not bag your recyclables.
When putting bins out for collection day: 
  • Place bins at the end of the driveway our boulevard starting at 6 pm before collection day. Move them back by 11 pm on collection day. 
  • Make sure to keep bins off sidewalks and streets at all times.
  • If it is very windy, consider securing your trash and recycle bins to prevent waste from blowing around the neighborhood. Property owners are responsible for picking up waste that leaves their bins.

Container Rules and Maintenance

  • Each house or apartment building must have at least one garbage container and one recycling container. Tenants need to use these containers for trash and recycling.
  • Each container must be rigid in structure, leak-resistant, and equipped with a rigid lid that fits the container. Recycling containers should be labeled. 
  • Keep containers clean and in good condition.
  • Bins should not be in your yard, cannot be blocking the street or the view of traffic, and should not be overflowing onto the street or sidewalk.
Yard Waste
  • Put yard waste in kraft-type paper bags or a container that meets the requirements.
  • Your waste hauler will collect grass clippings, garden waste, and leaves. Yard waste must be collected at least once a week. 

Container Storage

Store your garbage bins in an inconspicuous place like: 

  • Inside your garage
  • Rear of the yard
  • Side of your home

Residents can have their garbage bins in front of their home if there is no other option.

For Property Owners

  • Owners of buildings must give enough garbage and recycling containers for everyone using the property.
  • Don't store garbage cans in front of your home unless necessary. Cans shouldn’t be overflowing, on the sidewalk, or blocking the view of traffic.
  • Don’t litter, you can't throw garbage on streets, sidewalks, lakes, or anywhere else outside.
  • If you rent a house or apartment, you should verify who is responsible for garbage collection. This may vary and would likely be on your lease agreement.

These guidelines can be found in the City Ordinance under Chapter 57: Garbage and Recycling.