Alcohol Use Rules
Per Section 95.029 of the Code of Ordinances, no person shall consume any alcoholic beverages in the following City parks:, Arrowhead, Heritage, Kenny Anderson, Lyon, McKennan, Pasley, Tomar, Tower, Tuthill, Van Eps, Veterans’ Memorial and Whittier.
No person shall consume any alcoholic beverages in Falls Park, Fawick Park, or any park property located adjacent to and within 500 feet of the Big Sioux River between Falls Park Drive south to the Cliff Avenue bridge located between 12th Street and 14th Street, except upon application meeting the requirements of SDCL 35-4-124 and approval by the City Council. This restriction shall not apply to the licensed serving of wine and malt beverages by the Falls Park Overlook Café within the Caféʼs building and patio area.
In all other City parks, no person shall consume any alcoholic beverages, except that the restriction shall not apply to malt beverages or wine as defined by SDCL 35-1-1, or where alcoholic beverages are licensed to be sold.