Shape Corridors

Aerial photograph of major roadway in Sioux Falls

What are corridor studies?

We use street corridors to go to work, school, shopping, and fun places. Nearby neighborhoods and buildings need to work well with the street. That determines the way buildings are constructed, their setbacks from the street, yards, and where vehicles are parked. 

A street corridor study takes neighborhood input and information from the Shape Sioux Falls 2040 plan to identify different areas through a corridor influence map. Learn the development process. 

After a corridor plan is completed it can be used by staff to make comments and recommendations on proposed development within the area. Public input  on specific projects can be provided during this process.

How to Comment on a Project

New Development Plans

Have you heard about a new development and want more information?

  • If you are wondering if application(s) have been submitted for a new development, call Planning and Development Services at 605-367-8888

Are you curious about potential future development along a street corridor?

  • This Shape Corridor process has been developed to help stakeholders including land owners, better understand the development process and to become more “tuned-in” to the development approval process. For more information call Planning and Development Services at 605-367-8888 or any staff listed in the contacts on the Street Corridor Study website.  

Public Hearing Process

Public Hearings are the opportunity to be heard in a formal setting both with the Planning Commission and the City Council on development applications. The formal public hearings usually take place in the Carnegie Town Hall. The Planning Commission meets once a month and the agendas are posted one week before the meeting. The City Council Meets take place several times in a month. The agendas are posted three days before a meeting.  

Developers for Planning Office Feedback

If you are a developer the Planning Office suggest that you request a PRE-APPLICATION MEETING
In an effort to provide the developers with an opportunity to gain feedback about future development plans, the City Planning Office encourages developers to discuss the proposal before applying for a development application. The feedback from a pre-application meeting will provide valuable information for the potential applicant, and nearby citizens, in putting together a future application and prevent delays during the application and public hearing process. Applicants can schedule a Pre-Application Meeting by contacting the Planning Office at 605-367-8888 or e-mailing to To ensure a complete evaluation of your project a concept plan, site plan, and/or proposed zoning/land use boundary maps should be provided to the Planning Office staff at the time of the meeting.