Business Improvement District Board - DTSF +

The Downtown Sioux Falls Business Improvement District (BID) (formerly Main Street Business Improvement District (BID)) is a special service the downtown area uses and is a great resource for the overall enhancement of Sioux Falls’ downtown. Since its creation in 1989, the district has helped generate special revenue each year to fund a myriad of projects downtown. These projects include marketing, streetscape improvements, public space cleaning and maintenance, events and promotions, district advocacy, economic development, retail coordination and residential development, among others. The board annually reviews the activities in the district and makes recommendations to the City Council as to those activities and generation of revenues. Serving on the board is a great opportunity to provide direction for downtown and the future activities of the Downtown Sioux Falls BID.

Number of Members


Special Qualifications

At least three members should be owners or owners’ representatives of real property within the district, one of which is assessed the maximum amount; at least one member should be a district resident; at least one member should operate a business within the district.

Residency/Registered Voter Requirement

A minimum of three board members shall be registered voters within the city. Up to three members may serve without being registered voters of the city provided they have a vested or representative interest in the district as allowed by Section 30.025(h) of the revised ordinances.

Summary of Duties

Makes recommendations to the City Council for the establishment of plans for improvements in the business area and makes recommendations to the Council on matters related to assessment rates, renewal of assessments, district boundaries, and use of funds. This board serves as the official board of the Downtown Sioux Falls Business Improvement District.

Dustin Powers
Planning & Development Services Department
231 N Dakota Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57117-7402


Business Improvement District Board Members

  • David Dandar - Term Expires - January 2024*
  • Darrell Schmith - Term Expires - June 2027*
  • Mike Hart Term Expires - June 2027
  • James Kruger - Term Expires - June 2027
  • Erica Mullaly - Term Expires - February 2025

* Second Term



By-Laws of the Business Improvement District Board

Article I. Authority and Responsibilities

  1. The BID board exists under the authority granted by Section 30.025 of the Revised Ordinances of Sioux Falls, SD and City Resolution 205-89.
  2. The board shall make recommendations to the City Council for the establishment of plans for improvements in the business area and make recommendations to the Council on matters related to assessment rates, renewal of assessments, district boundaries, and use of funds. 
  3. The BID Board serves as the official board of the Main Street Sioux Falls Business Improvement District established by Article VIII, Chapter 39 of city ordinance.


Article II. Membership and Composition

  1. The Board shall consist of six members appointed by the Mayor.  Due consideration shall be given to the following criteria in making recommendations for appointment to the Mayor: 
    1. At least three members should be owners or owners’ representatives of real property within the district, one of which is assessed the maximum amount.
    2.  At least one member should be a district resident.
    3.  At least one member should operate a business within the district.
  2. All members shall be appointed to three year terms, and shall not serve more than two consecutive full or partial terms.
  3. All members shall be voting members.
  4. A minimum of three board members shall be registered voters within the city.  Up to three members may serve without being registered voters of the city provided they have a vested or representative interest in the district as allowed by Section 30.025(h) of the revised ordinances. 


Article III. Election and Duties of Officers

  1. The Board shall elect a chairperson from its membership.  The term of the chairperson shall be two years from the time of appointment.  The chairperson shall preside over meetings and may create, and appoint members to, committees as needed.
  2. City Planning & Development Services staff shall serve as secretary and shall prepare meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and correspondence of the Board pursuant to Section 30.026of the Revised Ordinances.


Article V. Meetings

  1. Meetings of the BID Board shall be scheduled a minimum of two times per year. 
  2. Meetings shall be conducted using Roberts Rules of Order unless otherwise stated.
  3. Notice of a meeting shall be given at least two days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  4. Quorum for conducting official business shall be established when four or more members are present.
  5. A printed agenda shall be prepared in advance of all meetings.  Each agenda shall contain, at a minimum, the time and place of meeting and a description of the topics scheduled for discussion.
  6. A set of the meeting minutes shall be posted on the City’s webpage.