The Board of Historic Preservation promotes the use and conservation of historic properties for the education, inspiration, pleasure, and enrichment of the citizens of Sioux Falls. Annual promotions include participation in the Sioux Empire Home Show in March and selection of a property owner to receive the Mayor’s Historic Preservation Award in May.
Number of Members
Special Qualifications
The Board includes at least two members who are professionals from the disciplines of history, architectural history, architecture, urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography, cultural anthropology, archaeology, or law. The Board also includes at least three members who are nonprofessional members and represent a demonstrated interest, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation.
Residency/Registered Voter Requirement
Do not have to be a registered voter.
Summary of Duties
Serve in an advisory capacity, providing guidance and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on matters related to historic preservation and the City’s seven historical districts.