Boy Scout Emergency Preparedness Badge Information

Community’s Emergency Management Director:
Regan Smith, Emergency Manager, Sioux Falls Fire Rescue

Emergency Management Efforts:


  • Develop and maintain City’s Emergency Operations Plan.
  • Ensure Outdoor Warning System is operational.
  • Design disaster drills and exercises to evaluate responders, equipment and protocols.
  • Facilitate training for responders and command staff.
  • Promote preparedness efforts to businesses, schools and the general public.


  • Advise and support community response management team in large, complex emergencies and disasters.
  • Monitor severe weather and work with National Weather Service and Metro Communications on community warning.
  • Act as Planning Section Chief when Emergency Operation Center is activated.


  • Act as liaison to county, state and federal government to ensure City of Sioux Falls is participating in all available disaster recovery programs.
  • Coordinate and support City department recovery efforts.
  • Coordinate volunteer, non-profit and government agency individual assistance support to the public.


  • Encourage community storm drainage and flood control system upgrades.
  • Support community participation in the National Flood Insurance Program.
  • Develop community multi-hazard pre-disaster mitigation plans.