2024 Asphalt Overlay Program

Update: 9/30/2024

Commuter Route Information:

Streets will generally remain open to traffic during concrete and utility work. However, during paving operations, streets will be temporarily closed and traffic detoured accordingly.

Project Milestones:

Please use schedule below.

Overlay Projects Map


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Overlay Program Schedule

Location Concrete Work Utility Work Asphalt Mill & Overlay
1. 33rd Street: Cliff Ave to Yeager Road Completed Completed Completed
2. 41st & Bahnson Area: East and West of Bahnson Ave Between 37th St. and 41st St. Completed
3. Augustana Area: East of Grange Avenue Between 26th St. and 33rd St. Completed
Completed Completed
4. Dakota Ave Loop: Between 6th St. and Main St. Completed N/A September
5. Ellis Road: Between 41st St. and 57th St. N/A N/A Completed
6. Foss Ave: Between 6th St. and 15th St. Completed N/A Completed
7. Galway Ave: Between 57th St. and 69th St. Completed N/A Completed
8. Mustang Area: North of 69th St. between Mustang Ave and Lyncrest Ave. N/A N/A Completed
9. North Sanford Area: East of Grange Ave 13th St. and 18th St. Completed
Completed Completed
10. Shirley Ave: Between 41st St. and Louise Ave. Completed Completed Completed
11. Sertoma Area: Sertoma Ave from 26th to 41st Street Completed Completed Completed
12. Southeastern & Fireside Area: South of 49th St. and West of Southeastern Ave. Completed
Completed Completed
13. Frank Olson North: 12th St. to 15th St. between Bahnson Ave. and Sycamore Ave. Completed Completed 2025
14. Lewis Park West: East of Cliff Ave. and South of 49th St. Completed Completed 2025
15. Pettigrew: South of 10th St. and West of Minnesota Ave Completed In progress 2025
16. Presentation Area: Presentation St., Presentation Court and Amidon St. Completed Completed 2025
 17. Ralph Rogers Area: North and South of Ralph Rogers Road and West of Minnesota Ave. Completed Completed 2025
18. West Sanford Area: South of 18th St. and East of Western Ave. Completed In progress


19. Phillips Avenue: 14th Street to 18th Street  N/A N/A October


What should I do if my sprinkler system is damaged during curb and gutter repairs?

If your sprinkler system needs to be repaired because of the curb and gutter installation, we apologize for the inconvenience. Sprinkler damage is sometimes unavoidable during curb and gutter repairs due to the proximity of the heads to the work area. Please contact us to get more information on the process to get it repaired.

My lawn was disturbed during the curb and gutter or curb ramp repairs. What should I do to help the new grass grow and prevent weeds?

Where concrete repairs are made, disturbance to lawns is an inevitable part of the process. The contractor will reseed areas impacted by the concrete construction. If concrete repairs in your neighborhood are finished between June and August, seed will not typically be planted until the fall. We wait to reseed during these months because of the challenge for the grass to grow during this time.

Although the contractor will be responsible for watering for several weeks, we recommend that you supplement the contractor’s watering to accelerate grass growth. Turf grasses generally require 1 inch of water per week. Even with proper maintenance, it could take up to two years to reestablish the lawn to the preconstruction condition. You may take additional measures to expedite the restoration process such as overseeding, fertilizing, or weed control.

If weeds grow before the grass, please mow the restored areas and the grass will eventually catch up and fill the restored area. Typical lawn maintenance will control many varieties of nuisance weeds. The contractor will employ weed control measures, but some cannot be performed for several weeks after grass germination to protect the new grass.

Will my broken driveway approach be replaced? Who is responsible for my approach?

The maintenance and repair of your driveway approach and the associated gutter are your responsibility. If your approach is in need of repair, now may be a good time to perform this work. Driveway approaches and associated gutter will not be replaced as a part of this project. In the picture below, the area shaded in blue (driveway approach and the gutter in front of approach) are the property owner’s responsibility.

If you choose to have your driveway approach replaced before the mill and overlay, you will not have to pay for the asphalt patch (18-inch area shaded in gray) that is typically needed when replacing the approach.

Please let us know if you plan on replacing your driveway approach before the asphalt overlay. The contractor performing the work will need to be bonded and insured and receive a permit from City Engineering before starting the repair.


When will I be notified when I need to move my car off the street?

The Street Division will drop off an informational door tag to let you know when crews plan to mill, tack, and overlay your street. If you have any questions on the schedule for paving your street, contact the Street Division at 605-367-8255.


Can I have a rummage sale or graduation party during the project?

Occasionally, crews are working in an area where a graduation party or neighborhood rummage sale is scheduled. Due to the frequency of these events and limited time for construction, we unfortunately can’t avoid them all. If you have an event planned, let one of our team members know the details. We will try to avoid working in the area at that time. If work at that time is unavoidable, we will work with the contractor to be as accommodating as possible.

What are the steps taken before the asphalt overlay?

Overlay projects typically progress through the following steps:

  1. Spot Utility Repair
  2. Curb and Gutter Repairs, ADA Curb Ramp Installation
  3. Milling of Existing Asphalt
  4. Asphalt Overlay

Due to the number of neighborhoods where work occurs and number of contractors involved, there may be time between each phase because of the complexity of the project. We appreciate your patience and cooperation throughout the whole process.

Why does the city mill and overlay streets?

Routine maintenance is the key to managing our street assets in a cost-effective manner. Well-timed maintenance (i.e., crack sealing, surface treatment, and mill and overlay) allow streets to stay in good condition and extend the life of the street. Here are some of the reasons we mill and overlay streets:

  • It is a cost-effective way to extend the life of a street. The new asphalt not only seals the street, but also provides some structural value.
  • Milling removes deterioration and helps to restore the street to its original shape.
  • Other needed improvements (i.e., sanitary sewer and concrete repairs) can efficiently be made in conjunction with this program. This allows for multiple benefits to the City’s infrastructure through the implementation of this program.
  • Although construction can be inconvenient at times, this program is far less invasive than a street reconstruction project.
  • The end product is aesthetically appealing, improves the ride, and extends the life of the street. 

What is milling? Can I drive on a milled surface?

Milling consists of grinding the top surface of the asphalt down approximately 2 inches to make room for a new layer of asphalt. The byproduct of this operation is a material known as ‟millings.” Millings can be reused in place of gravel in street construction or can be recycled at the asphalt plant to make new asphalt. The asphalt overlay takes place in the days following the milling operation.

You can drive on the street after it has been milled. The asphalt overlay will happen shortly after the street has been milled.

When can I drive on the newly paved asphalt street?

After we overlay a street, we have to close the street afterwards for a short period of time. Depending on air temperature, the street may remain closed for four to eight hours while the asphalt cools down. Barricades will be removed from the street when crews have determined the street is ready to be opened. Please continue to be patient and do not drive around barricades to access a street under construction.

After paving, asphalt can still be above 200°F. At this temperature, the new asphalt can be damaged by vehicles and people. Even when the street is back open to traffic, the new asphalt still may be susceptible to damage. In the first few days after paving, please avoid turning your tires while stopped to prevent the surface from tearing or scarring.

My lawn was disturbed during the curb and gutter or curb ramp repairs?