
Sioux Falls City Light & Power Electrical Rates as of 1/1/2024

Service Fees

  • Delinquent bill collection fee: $15.00
  • Turn-on fee (disconnected for non-pay) during business hours: $35.00
  • New account fee (all new activated accounts): $25.00
  • Account Deposits (nonowner): 
    • Residential
      • Apartments: $100.00
      • Homes: $200.00
      • Homes with electric heat: $300.00
    • Commercial: $200.00
  • Returned payment charges: $20.00
  • Late payment fee

    • Residential (1 percent of account balance) minimum charge; $1.00
    • Commercial (2 percent of account balance) minimum charge; $1.00

Residential Service Rate

The residential service rate for electrical service shall be as follows:

  • Customer Charge: $7.61/month
  • Energy Charge: (All kWh) 13.40 cents/kWh  

Small Commercial Service Rate

The small commercial service rate for electrical service shall be as follows having single or three-phase lighting, heating, cooking, refrigeration, power to motors, and other approved uses, where the monthly metered energy does not exceed 6000 kWh.
  • Customer Charge: $11.41/month
  • Energy Charge: (All kWh) 15.49 cents/kWh

Large Commercial Service Rate

The large commercial service rate for electrical service shall be as follows:
  • Applicable: To commercial or industrial customers for single- or three-phase lighting, heating, cooking, refrigeration, power to motors, and other approved uses, where the monthly peak demand exceeds 25 KW, or where monthly metered energy exceeds 6000 kWh.
  • Customer Charge: $17.29/month
  • Energy Charge: (all kWh) 4.43 cents/kWh
  • Demand Charge: (all KW) $20.87/KW
  • Metered Demand: The metered demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the consumer for any period of 15 consecutive minutes during the month as indicated or recorded by a demand meter.
  • Billing demand: The demand to be billed shall be the adjusted demand for the month but not less than 50 percent of the highest demand billing dollars during the preceding 11 months.

Night Watch Flood Service Rate

The night watch flood service rate for electrical service shall be as follows:
  • Applicable: For any customer for illumination of private property.


Lamp Size in Watts
Monthly Charge
High Pressure Sodium
Lamp Size in Lumens Monthly Charge
Light-Emitting Diode
 4,000 to 16,000 $14.00
 17,000 to 26,000 $21.00