Becoming a Residential Roofing & Repair Contractor
The City of Sioux Falls requires a Residential Roofing & Repair Contractor License for all contractors doing shingling, siding or window and door replacement with no structural changes on residential single & two-family dwellings and townhomes within the city. For work that extends beyond the scope of shingling, siding, or window and door replacement with no structural changes, a Residential Building Contractor license is required.
To obtain the Residential Roofing & Repair Contractor license, the contractor must first take and pass the Residential Roofing & Repair Contractor Examination. This examination is a timed, open book test, based on the City of Sioux Falls Residential Roofing & Repair Handbook, which you will receive upon application for exam. There is a $75.00 examination fee due upon application and the examination is offered once per month. Please review the examination application (2B25015 link on right) for more information as well as the examination schedule. The City of Sioux Falls Residential Roofing & Repair Handbook is available for purchase for $10.00.
Once the applicant has taken and passed the exam, he or she can then apply for the Residential Roofing & Repair Contractor License. Upon application the contractor must submit a $20,000 Compliance Bond, a minimum of $300,000 general liability insurance, and the appropriate license fees, within 90 days of the date of the examination. Please review the license application (2B25001 link on right) and information sheet (2B25023 link on right) for more information.
Also available to individuals who have taken and passed the exam is the Inactive Roofing & Repair Contractor License (2B25003 link on right). This license does not allow you to work as a residential roofing & repair contractor but does allow you to hold a current license with the city, allowing you to reinstate your residential roofing & repair contractor license without being required to take and pass the examination again.
License holders must provide at least one hour of continuing education during each license cycle. When attending a course for the continuing education requirement, the course instructor must sign the Continuing Education Certificate (2W25016 link on the right) and this certificate must be submitted for approval.
The City of Sioux Falls does not require a license for a general contractor doing work on commercial projects but does require each individual project go through the plan review process and acquire the proper permits. Apartment buildings, although residential in nature, are considered "commercial" in regard to construction purposes. See Commercial Plan Review or contact 605-367-8248 for more information regarding plan review and building permits.
For more information, you may contact Building Services at: