Human Relations Commission +

Number of Members


Special Qualifications

Due regard is given to representation of minorities on the Commission.

Residency/Registered Voter Requirement

Must be a resident of Sioux Falls.

Summary of Duties

Promotes civil rights and enforces the law of equal opportunity for Sioux Falls residents in the areas of employment, housing, public services, public accommodations, financial institutions, insurance companies, labor organizations, and educational institutions in Sioux Falls.

Lyndsey Meier
Human Relations Specialist
224 W. 9th St.
P.O. Box 7402
Sioux Falls, SD 57117-7402


Commission on Human Relations

Members serve five-year terms.

  • Anny Libengood - Term Expires May 2026*
  • Tajuan Jackson - Term Expires May 2029*
  • Kassidi Smith- Term Expires May 2028*
  • Meghann Joyce - Term Expires May 2028
  • Megan Grode-Wolters - Term Expires May 2028*
  • Sheku Bannister - Term Expires May 2026
  • Elmar Delibasic - Term Expires May 2028*
  • Vicki Stewart - Term Expires May 2028
  • Amber Corey - Term Expires May 2026
  • Vacancy
  • Vacancy

*Second Term



The Commission was created by City Ordinance to promote civil rights and to enforce civil rights laws.

Discrimination is prohibited in the following:

  • Employment.
  • Housing.
  • Public services.
  • Public accommodations.
  • Financial institutions.
  • Insurance companies.
  • Labor organizations.
  • Educational institutions.

About the Human Relations Commission

About the Human Relations Commission

Sioux Falls City Ordinance Chapter 98 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, or familial status.

The ordinance applies only in the following areas: employment, housing, public services, public accommodations, financial institutions, insurance companies, labor organizations, and educational institutions. Religious organizations are exempt only as to religious qualifications for employment or residence in church-owned or operated property.

The Commission enforces the law by investigating allegations of illegal discrimination. The Commission is a neutral fact finder. The Sioux Falls Human Relations Commission has jurisdiction only within city limits. It may order compensatory damages, reasonable accommodations and modifications, affirmative action, hiring, reinstatement, promotion, posting of EEO notices, etc. The Commission will also provide technical assistance to employers, landlords, property owners, or any organization interested in maintaining compliance with local and federal anti-discrimination laws.

One of the Commission's major objectives is to give each person and organization whatever assistance or guidance is necessary to increase public knowledge and understanding of the law, and to secure, where possible, voluntary compliance.

The Human Relations Commission accepts many speaking opportunities throughout the year. If your business, organization, or group would like to inquire as to availability, please call the Human Relations office at 605-367-8745.


Meet the Commission Members


Megan Grode Wolters, Chair


Elmar Delibasic, Vice Chair


Kassidi Smith, Secretary


Sheku Bannister


Tajuan Jackson


Anny Libengood


Vicki Stewart




Meghann Joyce









Amber Corey