MU3—Midtown Mixed-Use High Density (160.335 et al.)

Allowed Zoning Districts (MMU1, MMU2, MMU3)

Principal Use:


Accessory Use:

Permitted Special:


General Retail and Services, Places of Worship, Office, Public, Service Facility, Recreation Facility—Private, Cultural Facility, College or Post High School, Dwelling(s), Multiple Family Above Second Story, Funeral Establishment and/or Mortuary



Accessory Alcohol, Outdoor Retail Sales Drive-through Service Window, Parking Ramps

   Permitted Special:    

On-Sale Alcoholic Beverage Establishment, Off-Sale Alcoholic Beverage Establishment, Day Care Center, Full-Service Restaurant, Dwellings (multiple family on second story)


Bulk Regulations



See 160.339 for all bulk regulations

MU3–Mixed Use – High Density

This zoning form is designed to be applied along high traffic corridors surrounding downtown. Residential is permitted above the second level with levels one and two comprised of moderate to extensive retail and office. The MU-3 form encourages pedestrian connectivity by locating the building along the front of the lot and parking towards the rear. Amenities that improve pedestrian access and reduce automobile reliance are encouraged within the MU-3 zone. Examples include: bicycle infrastructure and storage, ride share pick-up/drop-off, transit utilization, etc.

See 160.505 et al. “Additional Yard Regulations” for more info

Minimum Primary Building Frontage


Maximum Primary Building Frontage


Primary Build-to-Zone

0-5 ft

Non-Primary Build-to Zone 10-20 ft

Minimum Height

7 stories
Maximum Height 10 stories
Side/Rear Yard 0 ft / 0* (5 ft when adjacent to alley)

Other Applicable Regulations (For additional information, see §§ 160.340 to 160.655 et al.)

Buffer Yard:

20 ft total when adjacent to any DD forms

Buffer Reduction:

5 ft reduction when parking is adjacent


Building/Roof/Projecting—1 sq ft/1 lineal ft of street frontage (160.570)


Shared parking reduction is used to reduce the overall number of required parking spaces and is based on a rotating use utilization percentage applied to individual uses within the same building. Shared parking reduction located in Table 3 (160.551)


one tree per 50 feet of frontage (160.485)

Parking Lot Landscaping:

1 tree per 18 parking spaces (160.485)

Parking Lot Design:

8.5 ft minimum stall width; 7.5 ft for compact cars; parking lot layout and dimensions approved per Engineering Design Standards; Parking lots located to the side or rear of buildings (160.556)

Pedestrian Entrances: Must be directly accessible without interruption from adjacent sidewalks or pathways (Chapter 5 Shape SF)

Service Functions:

Screened or hidden from view (160.485)


No more than 8 ft in height except in front yard (160.480 et al.)


Within 150 ft of residential areas, lights shall be no more than 28 ft high (160.491)