NF1—Neighborhood Facilities (160.200 et al.)

Allowed Zoning Districts (RS, RT-1, RT-2, RD-1, RD-2, MH, RA-1, RA-2, RA-3, RCD-PUD, O, S-1, S-2, LW, PO-PUD)

Principal Use:


Accessory Use:

Permitted Special:


Neighborhood Park


Dwellings for Religious Orders (accessory to places of worship), Off-Site Parking
   Permitted Special:    
Elementary Schools, Places of Worship, Public Service Facilities, Recreational Facilities—Subdivision


Bulk Regulations

See 160.204 for all bulk regulations

See 160.505 et al. “Additional Yard Regulations” for more info

Front Yard:

25 ft On corners, one front yard can be 20 ft

Side Yard:

10 ft

Rear Yard:

10 ft


35 ft or 2 stories
Size Limit: Comply with fire and building codes



Other Applicable Regulations (For complete information, see §§ 160.460 to 160.603)

Buffer Yard:

15 ft total adjacent to DD1, DD2, DD3, and DD4 (160.488)

Buffer Reduction:

5 ft reduction when parking adjacent (160.488)


50 sq ft for wall signage allowed and 50 sq ft of freestanding, not to exceed 6 ft in height (160.570 et al.)


Places of Worship—1 space for each 4 persons in sanctuary

Elementary School—10 spaces plus 1 space for each staff member (160.550 et al.)


90% of all required yard setbacks and buffer yards (160.485 et al.)

Parking Lot Landscaping:

1 tree per 18 parking spaces (160.485)

Parking Lot Design:

Parking lot layout and dimensions approved per Engineering Design Standards

Parking lots shall generally be hard surfaced

Divide parking lots with more than 200 spaces

Provide a direct and clearly defined pedestrian pathway from adjacent public sidewalk to building entrance (160.556)

Service Functions:

Screened or hidden from view (160.485)


No more than 8 ft in height except in front yard (160.480et al.)


Within 150 ft of residential areas, lights shall be no more than 28 ft high (160.491)

Alternative Site Plans:

Allowed for buffer yard reduction, landscaping alternatives, and parking reduction (160.594 et al.)