Buffer Yard:
30 ft total adjacent to DD1, DD2, DD3, and DD4
30 ft total adjacent to DD5, DD6, DD7, AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4, and Greenway
15 ft total adjacent to MD1 and MD2 (160.488)
Buffer Reduction:
Wall—1 sq ft/3 lineal ft of street frontage and 1 sq ft/4 ft for 2nd front
Freestanding—37 sq ft and 18 ft in height to 100 ft of frontage (160.570 et al.)
Warehouse and Freight Movement—1 per 1,500 sq ft of GFA
Manuf., Process, and Assembly—1 per 1,500 sq ft of GFA or 0.75 for each employee on max. shift, whichever is greater (160.550)
Landscaping: |
90% of required front yard setback (160.485 et al.)
Parking Lot Landscaping:
1 tree per 18 parking spaces (160.485)
Parking Lot Design:
8.5 ft minimum stall width; 7.5 ft for compact cars
Parking lot layout and dimensions approved per Engineering Design Standards
Parking lots shall generally be hard surfaced
Divide parking lots with more than 100 spaces
Provide a direct and clearly defined pedestrian pathway from adjacent public sidewalk to building entrance (160.556)
Service Functions:
Screened or hidden from view (160.485)
No more than 8 ft in height except in front yard (160.480 et al.)
Within 150 ft of residential areas, lights shall be no more than 28 ft high (160.491)
Alternative Site Plans:
Allowed for buffer yard reduction, landscaping alternatives, parking reduction, and signage master plan (160.594)