Capital Program

The Capital Program outlines the City’s plans for major projects and equipment.

When considering a major purchase like a home or a vehicle, most people plan ahead and budget for this new expense. That’s true for the City too. Every year, we gather feedback from each City department on what assets they will need in the next 5 years. We prioritize these needs and map out a financing strategy in the Capital Program. This strategy explains the sources of funding and the intended uses for each project.

Within the Capital Program, there are 2 programs.

The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) focuses on:

  • Purchasing land or facilities.
  • Paying for infrastructure improvements such as streets or utilities.
  • Other major purchases related to the development and improvements of parks and trails.

The Other Capital Expenditures Program (OCEP) focuses on:

  • Purchasing vehicles and machinery.
  • Paying for other capital equipment that requires extended financing.

The Capital Program is only one component of our financial planning.

Each year, the Finance Department reviews, updates, and presents the 5-year Capital Program to the City Council. Capital programs are a blueprint for general planning. The first year of the program is incorporated into the next year’s budget. This allows us to forecast and adapt to changing needs as the City grows.

Learn more about the City Budget or view our Annual Financial Reports.

We maintain public access to capital program reports for the past 5 years.

Capital program reports are official City records. Any reports older than 5 years are archived and available by request. Anyone can request a historical report from the Finance Department.