Find out which contractors are licensed within the City of Sioux Falls.
Information about commercial building contractor licensing
What it takes to be a building contractor.
Requirements for becoming a residential roofing and repair contractor in Sioux Falls.
An Electrical Contractor’s License is required for doing electrical work within Sioux Falls city limits.
A Class B Electrical License is required for contractors doing electrical work in residential homes within Sioux Falls city limits. Homeowners who live in and own a single family dwelling need not be licensed, but other rules apply.
Apprentice electricians must hold a state and city license if working within Sioux Falls city limits.
Journeyman electricians must hold a state and city license if working within the Sioux Falls city limits.
A license is required for contractors doing sign wiring work within Sioux Falls city limits. For other electrical work, click the appropriate link.
A license is required of all contractors doing mechanical or HVAC work within Sioux Falls city limits. Homeowners who live in and own single family dwellings are not required to obtain a license, but other rules apply.
A license is required of all contractors doing fireplace work within Sioux Falls city limits. Homeowners who live in and own single family dwellings are not required to obtain a license, but other rules apply.
A license is required for all contractors doing refrigeration and coolant work within Sioux Falls city limits.
A license is required of all contractors doing plumbing work within Sioux Falls city limits. Homeowners who live in and own single family dwellings are not required to obtain a license, but other rules apply.
Apprentice plumbers must hold a state and city license if working within Sioux Falls city limits.
Journeyman plumbers must hold a state and city license if working within Sioux Falls city limits.
All plumbing installation contractors for manufacture and mobile homes being moved into the city limits must be licensed. Homeowners are not required to obtain a license, but must acquire plumbing homeowner’s permits.
A license is required of all contractors doing lawn sprinkler work within Sioux Falls city limits. Homeowners who live in and own single family dwellings are not required to obtain a license, but other rules apply.
All contractors doing work on sign work and installation within Sioux Falls city limits must be licensed.
Permit Technician Tonya Hovaldt Licensing: 605-367-8672